I’m fascinated by those who can write amid storms of any kind. These Panera colleagues sit with their coffee and breakfast roll, and when their phone rings, they laugh freely and enjoy the brief exchange. After goodbyes, they’re back to writing – unfazed. And when someone walks by, they often look up and say hello, and may even chat a bit before they return to tapping.
I marvel at these unknown writers, because they do what I cannot do.
I need silence when I write. I need to focus on the story that tugs at me. If a phone call disrupts my train of thought, when I return to writing, I must reread what I written and start over again. The same is true if my husband stops by to tell me about the woodpecker outside. I enjoy the excitement, but before I start writing again, I must reread what I’ve written and start again. This pattern is an integral part my day. Starts and restarts. But somehow the writers in Panera aren’t affected in the same way.
To read more, just click here.
Have a great week!