Of recent I've thought about how writing changes us - the word-crafting, the research, the humbling process of marketing. I hope you'll walk with me as I try to explain.
If we look back through the years, I suspect we'll all discover a naiver version of ourselves. We've grown because we've dared to share our imaginations and aspirations.
Some, like my sons, climb mountains. Others embark on a pilgrimage. My friend hikes the Camino de Santiago, and he's on his sixth journey now. Whatever our path, life draws us forward. It is for this reason, that I read with a sense of awe for all the hours upon hours writers put into their books.
I'm much behind on my Kindle, but I've committed to dive deep and lighten its weight. Presently, I'm focused on the Wake Robin Ridge series. Marcia Meara is a gifted writer, and I'm entranced by her stories.
Doesn't that question, why, in all its various forms, drive many of us to write? Reading Meara's series, I'm mindful of her characters' questions and answers, and as I read, I discover my own. Do you have a similar experience?
Have a wonderful week, my friends. I hope to focus on your books soon, if I haven't already done so. Happy reading and writing! ❤️