Perhaps I saw you wrapped in a torn blanket sitting on a busy Manhattan sidewalk. I wonder if I paused to greet you, or did I just hurry past? Was it you who held out your hand?
I look for signs when I get behind the steering wheel of my old Outback Subaru; but, do I pay attention to the guideposts within my heart? The ones that say, "Follow your joy." "Live your truth." "Slow down, enjoy this moment." "Are you sure this is what you want?"
Do I listen?
What if our life challenges are the directional signs--whispering through our sorrows and our fears: "Turn here, not there." Could they be blessings in disguise, helping us choose our way and saving us from our prior mistakes?
The unknown can seem so foreboding, but what if we knew that Love awaited us? Would we risk the night?
Would we listen?