Recently, I faced a medical challenge because of a CSF Leak. As part of the pre-treatment, I underwent 3.5 hours of radiological testing which required cage-like restraints. I could not move and because of this fact, I grew anxious. As I lay confined, I began to pray for help, as I didn’t know if I could manage the situation.
It was then that the first miracle occurred.
I saw in my mind's eye, a friend praying for me. I looked into my friend's eyes and focused on her kindness. I felt her genuine care, trusted it, and let go. Temporarily, I surrendered my fear.
With this release came the second miracle.
I became aware of an absorbing silence. And, I realized there were many, many others with me - my deceased mother and aunts, unnamed angelic figures, as well as friends and family. I was buoyed by love; I just hadn’t noticed it before, because my attention was on fear.
Finally, the third miracle.
I had longed to understand prayer. Through this experience, my questions were answered. I realized that prayer is simply love extended.
Some may pray loudly, passionately; while others might pray quietly, meditatively. Whatever our mode of prayer might be, the only thing that matters is the heart’s intention. Is love offered or restrained?
I believe the heart reaches what the mind cannot fathom. The truth is, we are loved beyond belief and when we participate in this powerful dynamic, miracles occur.
Thank you one and all for your caring thoughts during my medical adventure. I don’t know how to adequately express my deep gratitude. I can only hope that you know that your kind thoughts touched me deeply, giving me strength when I had little, hope when I lost my way. Know this, your goodness continues to reverberate profoundly throughout our universe. Prayer, heart felt, can indeed move mountains.
Thank you for helping me realize that love is our destiny.