A common refrain in Branson is, Thank you for your service. These simple words are expressed as easily as Hello or Goodbye. But, as I have learned from living here, these words come with open hands – that offer a handshake or an embrace, care at a free health clinic or meals if there’s need. Service is part of life in Branson.
Living here has opened my eyes to love in the concrete, in the everyday ways we offer respect. One gives, another receives but both are changed in the process. Love is like that, it flows.
Author John Howell writes thrillers and uses the common man to reveal uncommon valor. You can visit his site at this link. His fictional character, John Cannon, is much like you and me. He faces the underside of life, and then makes choices that ultimately earn him a hero’s respect.
If you have a moment, take a look at this YouTube clip, and ask who are the heroes? Could it be that common or uncommon, we are all heroes by how we choose to love in the concrete?