Our area is starting to warm up, and the trails are busy again. It is a beautiful time of the year. Colleen Chesebro invites us to write about how the seasons are affecting us, and I've added my poem below. My seasonal kigo phrase is warm summer breeze. If you'd like to participate with a syllabic poem, click on her name. She explains all.
This past Saturday, the skies were clear and the promise of spring alluring. My husband and I decided to take the short drive to Sedona. It is always an uplifting experience. You might recall that we visited a month ago, when snow covered the mountains. Such was not the case on this day.
One of our stops was the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Though a popular tourist site, it is also a place of prayer and meditation. It was commissioned by sculptor Marguerite Brunswig Staude who had a dream inspired by the Empire State Building. The chapel was completed in 1956. An unparalleled masterpiece, it is a favorite of people of all beliefs.
The larger photo below is from Canva. My images are not as dramatic, because I couldn't stand in the street to take the photo. That's my excuse for not sharing them! 😊
My tanka poem:
awakens life's mysteries
we see more clearly
a hidden sacred landscape
and breathe in its blessed peace