My celebration was twofold and very different from prior Thanksgivings.
First, my adventurous sons returned safely from a two-week trek to Patagonia, Argentina. Their 24-hr flights to and from were challenging but their journey more than made up for that inconvenience. They had an amazing time. And ... this mom is very thankful they are home.
Second, the washing machine broke. The water seeped under the flooring into the closet and our bedroom. We initially could not understand why the carpet was so wet. Spilled water? Then we feared the worst. Burst pipes? After several hours of worry and search, a friend came to our aid and identified the culprit.
I was immensely grateful that all we needed was a new washing machine. The thought of digging for a broken pipe was horrifying, but buying a new appliance, well that could be fun--and was. Friends pitched in by lending us their fans, and now we have dry carpets and baseboards AND a new washing machine.
Since this is the final Tuesday of the month, Colleen Chesebro asks that we share our day via a poem. I've done so through a tanka. I hope you enjoy it. We all have so much to be grateful for, even with our unexpected hurdles. 😊