Thinking back to those Biblical times, I wonder, what has changed?
I vividly recall the birth of each of my four children. Two were in distress and I with them. When their little bodies were put into my arms, I cried tears of relief--overwhelmed by the miracle of life. I did not think about the anguish that lay in waiting for my children: the health hurdles, the financial distress, or the relational heartaches. I thought only of their beauty. But as time has passed, I now wonder: are we all destined to journey to the cross?
We may rail against the injustices of life, but we cannot escape them. Rich or poor, we struggle to make sense of it all.
There is a haunting line in the song, “Mary did you know? by Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene. The line reads, “Mary did you know…when you kiss your little baby, you kissed the face of God.”
Have we kissed the face of God—when we kissed our newborn or someone else’s baby? Is the God we seek manifest in all of creation? Could it be that you (and he and she and they) are precious beyond our imagination? Would it make a difference, if this was the case?