It was innocent enough, an advertisement in a magazine for glasses that filtered the computer’s blue light. Better sleep was the claim and clearer vision was the promise. I ordered one right away. My Whiskey Tortoise pair arrived two days ago.
I donned it immediately and by the end of day, I thought I noticed a difference. My eyes didn’t seem as tired, but my nose – something was odd with my nose. I looked in the mirror and discovered it was impossibly larger than usual. The bridge was bright red and otherwise the nose was quite swollen.
I tossed and turned last night, wanting to scratch my nose off my face. And in the morning discovered it had grown even more. How could that be?
Hubby made a quick trip to the pharmacy for Hydrocortisone and Benadryl, in hopes of preventing a visit to a Walk-In Clinic.
The long and the short of it is I’m allergic to something on the glasses. And I suspect I know what that something is.
Several years ago, I had my hair dyed. Unbeknown to me, the dye contained polyethylene glycol (PEG). I had a massive reaction and ended up in the emergency room with doctors and nurses rushing around to help me breathe. Six weeks later, I was still on steroids and other medications. So, what does my nose have to do with my hair?
I suspect that whatever was sprayed on the glasses contained PEG.
I share this because I’m one of the unvaccinated. The CDC instructs that no one with an allergy to PEG can take the vaccine. We all have our reasons for getting or refusing it, but my reason is medical and there are others like me.
We live in crazy tumultuous times, and I believe the only way we’ll get through this is if we step back and truly listen to our neighbor. You know the phrase about walking in another person’s shoes? If ever there was a time to do so, I suspect it's now. Though that said, I wouldn't want you to walk in mine.
On a happy note, from hubby's perspective my nose has shrunk just a little. I can't see it, but his words are encouraging.

Have a wonderful week, my friends. Think twice before buying those protective glasses, and stay safe.