It’s amazing how young our teachers can be — reminding us to enjoy the simple things of life. These little ones do not walk; they run—from one adventure to another. Their trails of Lego blocks, puzzles, and artwork stretch from room to room, and I find myself giggling at the chaos.
And when they stumble, they shout their pain, wanting hugs and Band-Aids and understanding. Then, when they’ve had fill or when distracted by another possibility, they leap to their new adventure.
I’m reminded of Alan Cohen’s quote, “There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”
By watching my grandchildren, I’m seeing how I often miss the magic or mystery or even excitement of life because of my everyday practices. It is an event for children to take out the trash, to feed the hummingbirds, or water the strawberries. Their exuberance elicits my awe.
Mother Teresa said, “Be happy in the moment; that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” My grandchildren are teaching me the truth of her statement. Every moment is a blessing. Have you found yourself realizing the same through the little ones around you?