When standing before our personal fork in the road, the choice is not simply this job or that, the choice is between what has been and what can be.
It is the unknown that frightens many of us. "What if" questions badger us, and in the end, we may choose not to choose, because we at least know where we presently stand.
Some among us leap like the dolphins in the sea, and though I envy their free spirits, I've discovered that even baby steps can transform worries into materialized dreams.
"When your way of belonging in the world is truthful to your nature and your dreams, your heart finds contentment and your soul finds stillness. You are able to participate fully in the joy and adventure of exploration, and your life opens up for living joyfully, powerfully, and tenderly."
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find such stillness and freedom. I wrote Letting Go into Perfect Love to describe what that journey has been and is for me. Though we all travel different paths, don't we all seek such a love--extreme?
Recently I was contacted by author Vivienne Duke and was asked if I would consider reading her book, These Wings Can Fly. It was an honor to do so, and as I traveled with her, one page after another, I realized I had found a friend--a sister across the seas. She, too, had discovered the miraculous, and through the internet, she also found me.