I'm excited to welcome C.S. Boyack to this site today. Most of you know and appreciate Craig through his books. He's a prolific writer and amazing storyteller. His latest publication, Lunar Boogie, just became available, and Craig's going to tell us about it. We're in for a ride, because the entire series is laced with hilarious and unforgetable scenes.
C.S. Boyack has a wonderful way of taking reality and masking it in a fantasy. Through laughter and quirkiness, he opens our eyes to possibility. That's no small achievement.
Let's see what Craig has to say!

Today, I’m out promoting my newest book, Lunar Boogie. This one is part of The Hat Series, and I’ll let the cover and blurb do their jobs down below.
I believe in keeping each tour post unique. I have regulars, supporters, and fans who tend to follow a blog tour. It gets boring if it’s the same post over and over each time. This time we’re going to talk about comedy.
The Hat Series is supposed to be dark comedy. I’ve turned it into my personal playground to have a little fun, yet still make sure to tell a complete story. I include silly little graphics in the text to help that process along. Some of you may remember the angry potatoes from The Ballad of Mrs. Molony. This book has similar things. I continued using a series of bass clefs as my section breaks when I don’t have a unique graphic instead.
I even included emoji in chapter one. I’m sure my formatter wants to shoot me over that, because Amazon didn’t like them. You might, though, and that’s the point. We’re writing books in the 21st century now. I have more things in mind for future books.
Lizzie is also plagued by a late-night radio show called, Night Bump Radio. If you’re old enough to remember Art Bell, I styled it loosely after his call in show. The hat is a big fan of Night Bump Radio, but I think he just likes to hear people talk about him.
You see, Lizzie and the hat form a symbiotic bond when she wears him, then go out at night to fight monsters. In a modern city, you’re eventually going to have a witness or two. People are way off-base on this, and created a cryptic creature they named Hellpox. They call into the program to discuss theories that are so off base they’re insulting to Lizzie.
This series is a buddy series and you can see the strife in the setup. The hat is thousands of years old and has seen things nobody should have to witness. Lizzie is a modern California girl, and the only female the hat has ever bonded with. They’re going to have different opinions on things and I try to pick away at that. Fans seem to like their banter, so I’m sticking with it.
They argue like an old married couple, but still manage to get things accomplished. Their relationship provides most of the fun.
Lunar Boogie is the fourth book in the series, so if you get hooked you have someplace to fall back. They are stand alone titles, so if you read them out of order you won’t feel lost. Hopefully, I have enough published to hold you over until I can write “Good Liniment,” the next in the series.
Lizzie and the hat are back in action, only this time they're up against the most tragic monster of all, a werewolf.
This adventure is more like hunting an animal, and the werewolf is unlikely to come to any of their musical performances. This puts Lizzie out in the dark corners and wooded areas of the city. It may be more beneficial to get the monster to hunt Lizzie than to stalk him on his own turf. All she has to do is be quicker on the trigger than the wolf is on his feet.
At the same time, the police think they're after a serial killer. Lizzie tries to keep them alive while also keeping them out of her way. As the body count rises, so do the pressures. It doesn't help that people are blaming Lizzie and the hat for the killings. This involves an urban myth about them that the locals call Hellpox.
Pull on your boogie shoes and join the hunt. Designed as an afternoon read, this one is tons of supernatural fun.