Staci is a prolific and award-winning writer. Her commitment to the art of writing is unsurpassed. Please join me in welcoming her and prepare yourself for an other-worldly experience. It's all yours, Staci!
I’m here today to talk about my Astral Conspiracy Series. It’s technically science fiction, as it’s part of the acclaimed Platt and Truant Invasion Universe, but my saga is as much thriller as it is sci-fi, so I thought I’d have a little fun with my marketing and include pages from the top-secret government files on my main characters. Today, I’m sharing info on Nadia Adler.
DOSSIER Name: Nadia Adler Occupation: Agent for US Government AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) Of Note: Hired to debunk rumors of alien sightings and unaware of the existence of aliens before Astral Day. TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW BETWEEN AUTHOR AND CHARACTER ON ASTRAL DAY (the day the world is alerted to the approach of alien ships) via video conference. (Video is eyes-only, file #6091999-V, director’s approval required.) Subject photo available, file #6091999-G |
Staci: Hey, Nadia. How’s it going?
Nadia: Couldn’t be having a better day. Well, maybe if Halpern was fired. Or killed in action. But basically, this is a banner day for me.
Staci: (eyes open wide) Oh. Um. Okay. Well, that was vivid. Uh… what makes today so noteworthy?
Nadia: (with an incredulous look on her face) You’re joking?
Staci: I know the Astral app went off and aliens are coming. But why do you think that’s a good thing?
Nadia: I’ve been twiddling my thumbs while Homeland, CIA, FBI, and NSA have all looked down on us. Until now. Now, they’re looking to us for help. Finally going to be on the front lines. And even though Halpern tried to keep the deets to herself, Beck read me and Chandra in. Time for some action. And for some recognition.
Staci: There are seven and a half billion people on this planet who are terrified this means the end of civilization as we know it. Don’t you think a power play is… I don’t know. Ill-timed? Inappropriate?
Nadia: Staci, there are two immutable truths I know. One, we’re all going to die sometime, so we might as well enjoy ourselves while we can. And two, when the dust settles, I don’t care if humans win or aliens do. What I do care about is a seat at the table. And you can bet your last dollar I’ll be there.
Staci: You don’t care if we lose?
Nadia: Empires rise, empires fall. Been that way since the beginning, and it’ll be that way ’til the end. I might not be able to decide who wins and who loses, but I can decide who I work for.
Staci: And if the aliens don’t want human minions?
Nadia: They’ll want me.
Staci: What makes you so sure?
Nadia: Because I always make myself indispensable. Look at AATIP. My title’s not Special Agent, but Director Beck already trusts me more than his number two. It’s only a matter of time before I replace that useless lump Halpern. And then, before I take Beck’s job.
Staci: How are you going to take his job if there’s no more AATIP? No more United States? No more planet?
Nadia: So short-sighted, Staci. You just can’t see the bigger picture.
Staci: I’m the queen of the bigger picture. I’m willing to bet I know more about how this all will play out than anyone else.
Nadia: And yet you can’t see what I see. What my plans are. What your fatal flaw is.
Staci: Enlighten me.
Nadia: Much as I’d love to see your face when you realize how blind you were, I don’t think I will. In fact, I don’t want to keep talking to you at all. I have a few more plans to put in place. (she turns off the camera and the recording goes dark)
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The Stones: The invasion couldn’t be prevented, but there is a chance the Astrals can be driven away… if Landon Thorne can reach the Georgia Guidestones, unearth its secrets, and decode the mystery before the aliens stop him.
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The Nine: Landon Thorne and his team of resistance fighters seek a cipher to decode the message accompanying a cache of alien artifacts they’ve unearthed, but the government, a clandestine cabal, and the Astrals themselves stand in their way and might not only put an end to their plans—they might put an end to their lives.
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The Twins: When all factions converge for a human-versus-alien showdown, resistance fighter Reverie Sterling gets help from the least likely source. But even then, it may be too late for everyone she loves to make it out alive.
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The Lab: In the final showdown between Earthlings and Astrals, twins Asha and Vonn insist their long-lost grandfather has a plan to save humanity. It’s a long-shot, but the resistance takes it—and no one is prepared for the consequences.
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About Staci Troilo/D.L. Cross
D.L. Cross has loved science fiction ever since she was a young girl and fell for Major Don West on television's Lost in Space. To this day, she still quotes the show, though her favorite lines were spoken by the robot and the antagonist. Parallel universes or alternate realities, aliens or dinosaurs, superpowers or super viruses, time travel or AI... no sci-fi theme is off limits and all of them fascinate her.
D.L. Cross also writes other genre fiction under the name Staci Troilo, and you can find more information about all her identities and all her work at her website:
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