Today I'm honored to host friend and author John W. Howell. He is on a book tour, and my site is one of his stops.
Most of you know, John. He's widely visible in the blog world, and he's an accomplished writer. I've known him for years, so it gives me special delight to introduce him and his writing achievements to you today. Let's offer John a very warm welcome. ~ ~ ~
I am so pleased to be with you today, Gwen. I want to thank you for helping spread the word about The Last Drive. I think it is no secret to your readers that you and I co-authored a book together. During that time, I got to know you better and appreciated just how much you empathize with those who are in trouble. In this story our characters are called up to help a soul who is struggling to find his way in eternity. Sam feels very strongly about being able to help and at times has her own struggles with how to best do that.
In the sequel to Eternal Road - The final stop, Sam and James are reunited to look for two souls, Ryan and Eddie. Ryan was killed in Afghanistan, trying to avoid a schoolyard with his crippled plane. Eddie Rickenbacker, Ryan's hero, is to guide Ryan to his Eternal Home, and now both are missing.
The higher-ups believe that there has been some interference in Ryan and Eddie's journey by Lucifer, so Sam and James have the task of finding Ryan and Eddie to get them back on the road despite the evil interference. Unfortunately, the machinations designed to prevent Ryan and Eddy from completing their journey takes the pair to horrifying testing grounds. The places visited represent the best work of the Devil. They are the trenches of World War I in France, gladiators at the Roman Coliseum, the sinking Titanic in 1912, Hiroshima 45 minutes before the bomb, and the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943.
This book is for you if you like plenty of action, strong characters, time travel, and a touch of
spiritual and historical fiction. So, join Sam and James as they try to find the missing souls while
staying one step ahead of the Prince of Darkness, who is determined to destroy all that is good.
Slight pressure, as if they’re rising in an elevator too fast, settles on Sam and James. Then
comes a soft bounce as though the Olds has gone over an unexpected speed bump. Sam opens her eyes, thrilled to see the LA Coliseum rise above them. “Look, James. We’re in the parking lot of the Coliseum.”
James gapes. “Wow. Beautiful.”
“I know.” Sam pops the door and moves to get out. “Looks like we landed in a reserved
James thumps the wheel. “Figures. We’ll have to shift the Olds. I could see someone having
it towed away and leaving us here in nineteen-sixty-seven.”
Sam slides in and shuts the door. “Okay, drive until you find a regular bay.”
“It shouldn’t be too difficult. The original Super Bowl wasn’t a sell-out.”
“Really? Why not?”
James checks around. “Some believed the twelve-dollar ticket was too high. You know how
much the tickets are now?”
“No idea.”
James rubs his fingers and thumb together. “Minimum four-thousand dollars. Those twelve
bucks look quite good.”
“With inflation, it would be higher.”
“Yeah, maybe to ninety-five or a hundred dollars. So, what’s our game plan?”
“Walk to the stadium and check to see who’s at quarterback for Green Bay.” Sam gets out of
the Olds, comes around the front, and heads toward the Coliseum.
James exits the car and shields his eyes from the sun while he admires the beauty of the
Coliseum. The crowd noise makes him want to catch up with Sam so they can talk. He does a
double-time step, and when he reaches her, says, “So, we’re just going in there to check it out?”
“Do you have any better ideas?”
“No. … I know, I know. Then, shut up.”
Sam can’t keep from laughing. “You said it, not me. Okay, here we are.”
James steps in front of Sam. “Wait a minute. We don’t have tickets.”
Sam waves for James to get out of her way. “We can move ahead a few seconds and see
ourselves inside the gate.”
“Oh, yeah, that worked before. Let’s do it. Here, hold my hand. I’ll do the timing.” Sam
grabs James’s hand, and they both close their eyes.
James and Sam arrive inside. The ticket taker has no idea. James asks, “So, what now?”
The Last Drive is available in paper and Kindle editions on Amazon. Here are the universal
links. The Kindle edition is on sale for 99¢ through mid-February.
Kindle https://mybook.to/FYmkKr
Paper https://mybook.to/BCsWV
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Eternal Road Buy links:
Kindle Universal link mybook.to/EternalRoad
Paper universal link mybook.to/Eternalroadpaper