It may sound glamorous to travel from one coast to the other, but in my case the glitter was entirely a matter of the heart. Between hugs from grandchildren and conversations with my 90 year old mother, I experienced the jewels of life, and I returned grateful for all that life provides.
My Kindle accompanied me on this trip, loaded with books of many genres. I read four novels as I waited in airports and soared through the gray skies. And, as I neared Kansas City on my return flight, I thought about the gift that writers and artisans offer through their work. Much like extending a hand, they share a bit of themselves.
I’ve always been a reader, but retirement has given me the time to do more. In this brief posting today, I share four of the dozens of books that have left their mark on me this year. It is my way to say thank you to all of those who have touched me through their creation.
IF ONLY THERE WAS MUSIC by Nonnie Jules is a collection of poetry about love that cannot be realized, other than through dreams and the imagination. THE MERCHANT’S PEARL by Amie O’Brien is a very different love story. This powerful novel takes the reader into a harem and into the heart of one of the concubines. OUR JUSTICE is a suspense thriller that tackles the question of individual responsibility in our complicated world of terror. And, JAZZ BABY follows a young girl as she evolves into a woman, through the most challenging of situations.
Each of these four books has haunting qualities and each has found a place in my heart. We are all connoisseurs of art through the books we read, the paintings we display in our homes, the carvings that adorn our shelves, and more. Our differing palates spark interest and stir conversation. These four books hold my attention – maybe yours too, and it is for that reason that I share them with you.
May your holidays be filled with all that is good in life, and may you discover an artisan's gift.