It's #TankaTuesday, but I'm on my way to NYC and do not have today's prompt. Because of that, I've created a tanka related to my trip and to a treasure we all share. You'll see it below.
I spent about thirty years in the greater NYC area, teaching and working in college administration. My kids grew up there and established life-long friendships. As years passed, they moved back into the area and embarked on something new.
My three sons established a restaurant chain, Calexico, and they've courageously weathered the trials of entrepreneurship. The pandemic hit them hard, but they're still standing. For sure, I'll be eating some great Mexican food on this trip.
My daughter is busy with her boys in Connecticut. She has a great love of the arts and grew up on her toes. She and her sons will be joining in the family gatherings. How exciting is that!
I hope you have a great week. When I return next Wednesday, I'll try to find you on your blogs. Catching up is always hard to do, but I'll give it my best.
I hope you stay well and laugh much. ❤️