I’m with my sons, daughter and grandchildren this week. With travels in and around the City, I’ve revisited iconic buildings and shoreline fixtures. And over the days of walking, I’ve considered the “before this” and “after that” of life, as I used to live in this general area for about 25 years.
A quarter of a century covers a broad span of living; but, what I’ve realized is that time collapses with the passing of years, and precious moments emerge in splendor. The births of each of the children, the growing years and their Christmases – are part of the present through the hugs and kisses of their children.
This afternoon I’m taking the older two grandkids to the Metropolitan Museum of Art – a favorite spot at the edge of Central Park. One of my sons and his bride will meet us there to walk its hallowed halls and to share awe and laughter.
I wish you and your loved ones a time to remember… the joys of life and its wonder.