This week's photo takes me to an imaginary island somewhere in the Atlantic, far from COVID-19 and riots in the streets. Walking its pristine beach, I am surprised by what I find and share it today. I hope my discovery brings a smile and maybe a fresh breeze. Have a great day!
“Bekka, come on. This will be fun.” His irritation mounting.
“Mom’s not gonna like it.” She looks away and shifts her legs nervously.
“Come on, she won’t even know.”
“Remember last time? Not pretty…”
“Good grief! Just crawl across the tree trunk and we’ll jump together.”
“What if we miss?”
“How could we? We’d be right above the swing. We can’t miss.”
“Yeah, well, if something could go wrong, it will.”
“You always do this. You know that right? A l w a y s. Forget about it! I’m going without you.”
“Alright!! I’m coming. No tricks though.” She struggles to pull herself up the tree trunk.
“I’m gonna count to three. Are you ready? Here, two, three. JUMP!”
“Bekka, what happened? Why didn’t you jump?”
“Just got scared is all.”
“Come on! What could go wrong?”
“I dunno…but it feels so high up here.”
“Then jump and stop complaining.”
“Okay. One, two, three…”
“Eddy, Eddy, where are you?”
“Well, no thanks to you, I’m in the ocean. I bounced off when you hit.”
“Oh no, here comes mom.”
“Geez!! Y’know what she’s going to say! The crab that walks too far falls into the pot.”
“Have you ever wondered what that means?”
“Yeah, but I suspect it’s code for stay away from humans - or at least humans with pots.”