Liz's collection is a reflection on her family's life. It is beautiful and poignant. Sally's selections also focus on her life, but from a slightly different vantage point. Both poets include photos that charm and draw you into your heart. Colleen Chesebro's book incorporates the work of thirty poets. I found it invigorating and enlightening because of the breadth of syllabic verses. And there was an undeniable elegance.
My sincere CONGRATULATIONS to all three writers. It was a pleasure reading your 5-STAR books! 💗
When I read Telling Sonny: A Novel, by writer Elizabeth Gauffreau, I felt at home. There's something about Liz's style, her gifted way with words, that draws me deep within - to silence. I'm in awe of her writing ability and because of this, I was eager to read Grief Songs.
Through old photos, captured in poems, Gauffreau shares a story of life. It's her story, of course, but because of how she holds time, we see our own story. Through one poem after another, we walk with her and she with us. Precious moments, sorrowful moments, lingering moments -- life.
I highly recommend this collection. It is not lengthy, but it will remain in your heart. And who knows, you too might pull out your old photos and look at them - afresh.
Writer Sally Cronin's collection of poems is a thought-full walk through time. She takes the reader through the stages of life and through the mysteries that befuddle and challenge us. With a gentle and kindly approach, Cronin opens the heart to the deeper questions that haunt us all. Throughout the book, the imagery offered in photos and verse reaches across the pages and meets our own. It is then that Ms. Cronin becomes part of our family.
Author Colleen Chesebro is a master of syllabic poetry. Her talent is everywhere apparent in this first journal of "word weaving" where she both shares her own poems while showcasing those of others. The title is very apt, because of how the collection flows. From haiku to cinquains, one word-weaver after another uses syllabic phrases to capture the Autumn moon. I loved it! There is an elegance to this journal that deserves a drum roll. Bravo!
So friends, do you enjoy writing poems? I'd love to see some of your work. Won't you share it? Have a wonderful day. 😊