It's been quite a week - winter storms, fires, earthquakes, and so much more. My heart aches for all who are struggling with these natural disasters. Blogger Thomas Wikman dives into these phenomena on his site, Super Facts. I've found his posts very helpful and recommend a visit.
For the last couple of weeks, we've also focused on mysterious drones. People everywhere are asking what are they, and why are they here? I don't have an answer to either question, but the phenomenon prompts me to share an experience.
One evening, my husband shouted for me to come outside. I did and froze at what I saw. A large cylindrical craft hovered over our home. I had never seen anything like it before.
I ran back inside the house terrified and called the police. The officer asked if I had been drinking or if I had taken drugs. Once he was convinced I had not, he told me to call the airport at Purdue. I did. This gentleman asked me similar questions and then referred me to Grissom Air Force Base. I made that third call, and the Airman listened and responded, "No one else has reported seeing this craft." There was nothing more I could do. But, in the morning, local farmers told us that they had seen the saucer-shaped craft.
Since 1970, I've known that we are not alone in the universe. I've known that these visitors mean no harm. They are far more advanced than we, and if they wanted to do us harm, they could. I don't know who operates the drones, but I doubt it's aliens.
My simple tanka reflects on the quandary. If you are like me, the night sky beckons.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.