It seems the United States has survived the elections, even though strong sentiments remain. Looking back over the years, I've experienced 14 different presidents. 7 were Democrats and 7 were Republicans. I was inconsolable when John F. Kennedy was murdered. And a couple years later, when two people I greatly loved were also killed - Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy - I thought surely the world was coming to an end.
I’ve always supported the underdog, the discriminated, the homeless, and the ignored veterans. Politics hasn't done much for these populations, but good-willed citizens have (hurricane aid - a recent example). I mention this because ordinary people, like you and me, are the hope for our beautiful planet. My poem below reflects on that truth.
Cheryl is the host for today's Tanka Tuesday challenge. She invites us to write a Shadorma - a Spanish poetic form that consists of six lines with a syllable count of 3-5-3-3-7-5. This is my first attempt at this form. Maybe you'll give it a try too?